This climb has been since rarely repeated solo and in winter, the three most notable repetitions being perhaps: Shortly after the climb, Walter Bonatti announced his retirement from professional climbing at the age of 35 and after only 17 years of climbing activity. Bonatti was in the best physical condition of all the climbers and the natural choice to make the summit attempt, but Ardito Desio selected Lacedelli and Compagnoni. [16] During the approach at the Bivouac of La Fourche they met a French team composed of Pierre Mazeaud, Pierre Kohlmann, Robert Guillaume and Antoine Vieille. Elaborate conspiracy theories are just an attempt to bring order to the chaos of life – reality is frequently much stranger. A few years later, in 1955 and after completing the climb himself, Hermann Buhl stated that it was the "most difficult granite climb in an absolute sense".[7]. In 1954 he played a vital role in the success of the Italian expedition that achieved the first ascent of K2. The events that marked this tragedy triggered changes in mountain rescue techniques and procedures in France.[14]. Only a few years earlier Maurice Herzog had famously lost all his toes and most of his fingers on Annapurna and the last two K2 expeditions, in 1939 and 1953, had resulted in the deaths of two American climbers and three Sherpas. All the historical evidence indicates that it was much more likely for something to have gone wrong with Compagnoni and Lacedelli’s equipment, than for it to have worked perfectly. In the meantime with the approach of darkness a strong storm began. Walter Bonatti at Courmayeur during the Piolets d'or 2010 Photo by Giulio Malfer. But he was also a man of great integrity. ISBN 0-375-75640-X; K2. Walter Bonatti, Actor: La voie Bonatti. Bonatti saw that Mehdi was in no condition to climb further or make a return to Camp VIII and was reluctantly forced to endure an open bivouac without tent or sleeping bag at 8,100 metres (26,600 ft) and −50 °C (−58 °F). In the young days he lived in Monza which is not a city in the mountains. He leaves a great spiritual testament: he was a clean man vilified for 50 years over what happened on K2, but in the end everyone accepted that he was right.[10]. During the same expedition, along with Argentines René Eggmann and Folco Doro Altán, they ascended on 4 February the unclimbed Cerro Mariano Moreno and on 7 February the also unclimbed Cerro Adela. Bonatti’s “mathematical proofs” are rarely questioned but they too have problems. Reinhold Messner shared Bonatti's approach and stated in the book The Murder of the Impossible that "Expansion bolts contribute to the decline of alpinism". The Italian expedition had been personally approved by the Pakistani Prime Minister, the Pakistani army had built the bridges that enabled the Italians to reach K2 more quickly than any previous expedition, Compagnoni and Lacedelli had planted the national flag on the summit of Pakistan’s highest mountain. They argued about everything from expedition finances, to the rights to the film, to the leadership of Ardito Desio, the organizer of the expedition. In 1957 Bonatti relocated to Courmayeur. The production of the movie started before Bonatti's death and modified slightly afterwards. Gli scalatori italiani hanno conquistato gli 8611 metri della temibile montagna, la notizia fa il giro del mondo ed inorgoglisce un paese che si sta riprendendo dalla distruzione della guerra. Alan Arnette: Winter K2 Update | Summit Push in a Few Hours! Meanwhile, Bonatti and the others were in a stalled situation; they had not moved for the previous three days. The historic first winter summit of K2 may happen on Saturday, January 16, 2021, by an all Nepali team. K2. In January 1958 Bonatti was in Patagonia, (Argentina), to participate in a mixed Italian-Argentinian expedition in the glaciated mountains of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. So the British climbers do not have access to all the detailed Bonatti’s … Published for the first time in English, The Mountains of My Life collects the classic writings of world-famous mountaineer Walter Bonatti, and tells the real story of the 1954 controversy over the events on K2 that changed his life. In the meantime Vincendon's party decided, 200 metres (660 ft) from the summit of Mont Blanc, to turn back and head directly to Chamonix, but the arrival of darkness forced them to spend the night in a crevasse at 4,600 metres (15,100 ft). In less than two years since he started climbing, Bonatti had already joined the restricted circle of the best Italian climbers. Had Bonatti joined the summit team he would likely not have used supplemental oxygen. In 1958 Bonatti joined an Italian expedition, led by Riccardo Cassin, to the Karakoram mountains of Pakistan. He spent every day by strolling in the mountains. New York: Broadway. Today Bonatti is acclaimed as one of, if not, the greatest climber of his generation but in 1954 he was the youngest member of the team. The tragedy of the Central Pillar of Frêney, Farewell to professional climbing: Bonatti becomes reporter and explorer, Jackenthal, Stefani Ellen and Glickman, Joe (1999), "L' attrice e lo scalatore: trent' anni con Walter dopo un incontro al buio", "E' morto il Ragno Bonatti, mito dell' alpinismo mondiale", "First successful climb on Grand Capucin", "Walter Bonatti interview to John Grace of The Guardian (30 June 2010)",, "Walter Bonatti makes final ascent: Climbing world in mourning", "Walter Bonatti, Daring Italian Mountaineer, Dies at 81", "Mountain rescue is reorganised after Vincendon and Henry Tragedy", "Walter Bonatti, mountaineer, journalist and Italian hero, dies aged 81", "Montagnes d'une vie – Preface of Pierre Mazeaud", "Walter Bonatti : Portrait d'une légende", Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada, Fédération française de la montagne et de l'escalade, International Federation of Sport Climbing, International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation, South African National Climbing Federation,, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. I don’t deny that there can be an element of escapism in mountaineering, but this should never overshadow its real essence, which is not escape but victory over your own human frailty. Soon after followed the climb of the Bramani-Castiglioni Route on the North-West face of Piz Badile, a second repetition of the Ratti-Vitali route on the West Face of the Aiguille Noire de Peuterey, a rocky mountain in the Italian part of the Mont Blanc massif and the fourth ascent of the Walker Spur on the North Face of the Grandes Jorasses in only two days and with limited equipment. Before the end of the 1953 winter, with Roberto Bignami, and in only two days, Bonatti opened on Matterhorn a new direct variant on the Furggen Ridge. During the first years Bonatti worked in a steel mill and climbed on Sunday directly after the Saturday night shift. During 1949, within a year of starting to climb, he made the first repetition of the Oppio-Colnaghi-Guidi Route, a challenging climb on the South Face of the Croz dell'Altissimo 250 metres (820 ft) long and rated UIAA V+. The intention was to climb the previously unconquered Gasherbrum IV (7,925 metres (26,001 ft), the 17th highest mountain on Earth and the 6th highest in Pakistan). In the first instance, it was simply absurd to maintain that anyone would carry an 18 Kg oxygen set to the top of the world’s second highest mountain after the gas had ran out. Bonatti portrayed Compagnoni as a man on the edge of exhaustion, so jealous of his position as climbing leader that he was prepared to endanger fellow team members’ lives. He considered his options then set off on 18 February 1965 for a second attempt alone. This was limiting me and I knew it, but at least served to protect me from further disappointment. He was a tough, sometimes abrasive character; he did not have Walter Bonatti’s charisma or his climbing record. His editor Baldini Castoldi Dalai said Bonatti, who was also a journalist, died suddenly from an undisclosed illness. In two days they got close to the summit but again the weather worsened and they had to spend a day on the face in a hanging bivouac. Born in a working-class family, his father was a fabric merchant, Bonatti took to gymnastics through a sport association in Monza. 100 years after the first ascent of the Matterhorn by a seven-man roped … There are no letters, diary entries, memos or any archival evidence to support this and the idea of Ata-Ullah storming into Desio’s tent to demand an explanation for Mahdi’s frostbite makes no historical sense. After a long period spent recovering from his Brenva Spur climb, Bonatti turned his attention to the last big virgin face in the Mont Blanc Group: the north face of the Grand Pilier d'Angle. Bonatti had limited financial means and his first climbs were done with very basic equipment, including pitons that he had manufactured personally. K2 - Bonatti contro tutti. 1954–2004, Walter Bonatti, 2005, Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore. Indeed, the first undisputed and fair climb of Cerro Torre would be achieved only in 1974 by another Italian expedition, after many unsuccessful attempts from other climbers. The 1954 Italian K2 expedition is probably the most rancorous in the history of mountaineering. Bonatti was later accused by Compagnoni of using some of the oxygen to survive his bivouac, causing the climbers to run out of oxygen earlier than expected on the summit day. Instead he appealed to patriotic values and called for all the mud slinging to stop. Together they form the whole basis of my concept of alpinism. Hereafter are listed his books. However, years after the expedition Bonatti found himself accused and at the center of a bitter controversy based on conflicting accounts of events which occurred during the ascent. But half a century ago a bitter row on K2 almost toppled him from his peak. And this wasn’t the only example of Robert Marshall looking at the past with modern day eyes. When critical press reports were published in Karachi at the beginning of September, he was many miles away on the Biafo Glacier and had no idea what was being written. This however does not make him a liar. In the morning of 31 July, after Bonatti and Mehdi had already begun their descent to the safety of Camp VIII, Compagnoni and Lacedelli retrieved the oxygen cylinders left at the bivouac site and reached the summit of K2 at 6.10pm. MICK CONEFREY is an internationally recognized filmmaker and acclaimed writer on mountaineering. The physical strength and balance he developed here would prove to be crucial skills for Bonatti as a climber. Only one person has ever climbed the grade at a younger age—Théo Blass! In the following days they concatenated the mountains Cerro Doblado, Cerro Grande and Cerro Luca (this last one climbed for the first time). Three new routes were opened on the Grand Pilier d'Angle between 1957 and 1963: on the north-east face with Toni Gobbi (1–3 August 1957), on the north face (22–23 June 1962) with the Cosimo Zappelli and again with Zappelli on the south-east face (11–12 October 1963). Three weeks later, together with Luciano Ghigo another attempt was made. Bonatti had emerged from his bivouac physically unscathed, but Mahdi later had all his toes amputated. In the meantime, two alpine guides (Gigi Panei and Alberto Tassotti) alerted by the fact that Bonatti had not yet returned to Courmayeur, moved to the Bivouac of La Fourche and realised, reading a note left by Bonatti in the hut book, the scope of the climb of the two teams. Walter Bonatti was born on 22th of June, 1930 in Bergamo, Italy. The climb of the Walker Spur by the Cassin route is exposed to stone-fall and ranks together with the North Face of the Eiger as one of the major climbs achieved in the Alps between the two world wars. The laboratory tests reveal in him a powerful and unique physique, he is only 24 years old and he really wants to climb. ... Bonatti, Walter (1961). A few days later they made the first repetition of the winter ascent of the north face of Cima Grande, climbed already in 1938 by Fritz Kasparek. In the 1950s mountaineering was seen as an inherently dangerous sport and frostbite as one of its occupational hazards – for both Western climbers and their Eastern assistants. He said that in his young days every day that he spent it in mountains it was a feast day. Although Bonatti's version of facts was supported by Lacedelli in K2: The Price of Conquest (2004), Lacedelli contended that the oxygen had in fact run out. They got within shouting distance of the summit pair but were unable to reach their tent and had to spend a night in the cold without any protection. Privacy Notice: Our site uses cookies for advertising, analytics and to improve our sites and services. But did Bonatti get it right and how much weight should now be given to the role of Robert Marshall, the self confessed “arm-chair mountaineer” who played a … Over the next forty years he waged a one-man guerilla campaign against the Italian climbing establishment, demanding that the official history of the expedition should be revised to recognize his vital supporting role and acknowledge the selfish behaviour of the summit pair and the lies that they had told. He was very critical of the summit pair, accusing them of placing their final camp so high that it was impossible to reach and then abandoning their support party to their fate. In an epic of endurance, Bonatti and the Hunza porter Amir Mahdi carried two 18kg oxygen sets from their seventh camp at 7440m to around 8100m. In 1993 he wrote an article in which he claimed to have found photographic evidence to prove that Compagnoni was lying. After five days of climbing on a vertical rock offering very limited protection, Bonatti found himself stalled and faced with an impassable overhanging section. K2. The climb started from the west side of the mountain 2 February in conditions of fair weather, but the route would prove to be difficult and the climbing equipment (ropes and pitons) insufficient. Therefore, Lacedelli and Compagnoni's oxygen-assisted climb could have been eclipsed. Along with Hunza climber Amir Mehdi, Bonatti had the task to carry oxygen cylinders up to Lacedelli and Compagnoni at Camp IX for a summit attempt. All proved useless. Precisely how they got there is not. K2, LA VERITÀ 50 ANNI DOPO: IL RISCATTO DI WALTER BONATTI. During the early stages he did not do any of the lead climbing but at the end he was entrusted with a vital task. In December 1956, together with his partner Silvano Gheser, Bonatti attempted a winter ascent of the Pear Route on the Brenva side of Monte Blanc. One issue is that the latest books written by Walter Bonatti on K2, particularly K2 Storia di un caso and K2 la Verita (3 editions each with additional texts) have not been published in English, and this is also the case of Reinhold Messner’s 2013 Walter Bonatti il fratello che non sapevo di avere, not to mention Luigi Zanzi’s K2 una storia finita. He fought a long, hard battle to get his version of events accepted in Italy and in the international climbing world. But did Bonatti get it right and how much weight should now be given to the role of Robert Marshall, the self confessed “arm-chair mountaineer” who played a decisive role in the controversy? The life of Walter Bonatti has inspired entire generations of climbers, in Italy and worldwide. K2. [8] On 31 July, two members of the Italian team Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni reached the summit, securing the first ascent of K2 for the Italian team. The underlying idea of his approach was to accept to climb the mountain hard as it is, with fair means and in the simplest and most aesthetic way possible. (A man with ideals, but also with the precious human qualities making possible ideals to become real).[25]. Robert Marshall ignored the fact that both Compagnoni and Lacedelli also came down from the mountain with severe frostbite, while their colleague, Mario Puchoz, lost his life right at the beginning of the expedition. He pulled off a fantastic number of audacious ascents plus more remarkably survived some horrific climbs that killed some of his associates. They climbed a few pitches before being forced back by a storm. Zanichelli. The Central Pillar of Frêney remained unclimbed only for a few days. K2 always preyed on his mind. september 2011) var ein italiensk fjellklatrar, … His final masterpiece, an incredible good-bye to cutting-edge mountaineering, came about two years later when he established a new line, once again alone, up the North Face of the Matterhorn. ISBN 88-8490-845-0. Le mie montagne [My Mountains] (in Italian). Follow him on Twitter at @mickulus. Listed are some of the most significant climbs of Water Bonatti.[26][27][28]. Bonatti poured scorn on this and denounced it as the ‘base lie’ of the whole story, which could easily be disproved using common sense and mathematics. A long time fan of Bonatti, he became convinced that a grave injustice had been done. Compagnoni gave the explanation that his decision to change the agreed site of the camp was to avoid an overhanging serac, but Bonatti accused both (and the facts would later give him reason) to have deliberately changed the location to make it impossible for Bonatti and Mehdi to remain overnight at that height, so there would be no way they too could attempt the summit themselves. Bonatti put together all the slings and small sections of ropes he had on him, attached one end of the rope in a crack and swinging on the other end managed to negotiate the difficulty. A shadow fell across the life of the 24-year-old Walter Bonatti, when the accounts of the successful climb of K2 in 1954 elided the crucial support role he’d played at great risk to his life.

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