In 1936, three years before his death, he had the opportunity to see his sport in action at the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the first time men’s basketball was officially recognized as an Olympic Sport (it had been a demonstration sport in 1904). Il personaggio. È stato soprannominato Jim e The Doc. Over the course of the next decade, he worked to refine the game and its rules and build its popularity. The new sport quickly grew in popularity. In the subsequent couple of years, Naismith had the opportunity, while at the YMCA International Training School, to coach Phog Allen, who later followed Naismith after Naismith’s tenure as head basketball coach at Kansas University. James Naismith, l’invenzione del basket nel 1891 Nato il 6 novembre 1861 in Ontario, Canada, Naismith si è laureato in educazione fisica presso la McGill University . His students, forced indoors because of winter, had become rowdy. ... Springfield College si sposò, divenne il primo allenatore di una squadra di pallacanestro ed ebbe la fortuna che la sua invenzione - ormai divenuta popolare - venne dichiarata disciplina olimpica in … In 1939, Dr. James Naismith, after a long and fruitful life that touched the spirits of millions worldwide, succumbed to a brain hemorrhage. Immediately after the war, Dr. Naismith accepted a position as a YMCA director in France before returning stateside to resume physical education duties at Kansas. Google festeggia l’invenzione di James Naismith con un Doodle Il 15 gennaio 1892 , esattamente 129 anni fa, le 13 regole scritte un anno prima da James Naismith , professore canadese dello Springfield College, vennero pubblicate ufficialmente sul The Triangle, rendendo così ufficiale la nascita della pallacanestro come sport . Naismith’s nascent game of basketball soon caught fire, spreading from town to town through YMCA’s, colleges, and word-of-mouth. It was in Colorado that, in 1898, Naismith obtained a medical degree from the University of Colorado Medical School. Boys and girls across the nation began playing basketball. Sono passati 129 anni da quando sulla rivista universitaria dello Springfield College, “The Triangle“, fu riportata l’invenzione di quello che fu definito “a new game“, un nuovo gioco.Un gioco che sarebbe stato poi conosciuto da miliardi di persone come basketball e che fu ideato da un uomo a cui oggi noi (e Google) rendiamo omaggio, James Naismith. Before he entered McGill in 1863, Naismith had dropped out of high school to pursue a career as a lumberjack. James Naismith e l'invenzione del basket nel 1891... "Ho parlato con centinaia di medici" . In the 1920s, pro teams such as the Original Celtics and the Harlem Rens drew huge crowds on nationwide tours. Questo post è stato pubblicato quiLa statua celebrativa di Naismith nella città natale di Almonte (foto: Wikipedia) Nella giornata di oggi, 15 gennaio 2021, Google dedica il suo ormai consueto doodle celebrativo a una figura poco nota, ma a cui in molti saranno parecchio riconoscenti: James Naismith, l’uomo universalmente considerato l’inventore del basket. James Naismith was a Canadian-American sports coach and innovator. He was 78 years old. Geniale l'invenzione di un insegnante canadese (poi naturalizzato statunitense) di educazione fisica, James Naismith, detto “The doc”. James Naismith (November 6, 1861–November 28, 1939) was a Canadian sports coach who, in December of 1891, took a soccer ball and a peach basket into the gym at the Springfield, Massachusetts YMCA and invented basketball. Dribbling was allowed. In 1925, Naismith accepted American citizenship. Backboards were added to make scoring easier. 15 Gennaio 2021. Al medico fu chiesto di inventare un gioco nuovo per i ragazzi dello Springfield College: scrisse prima cinque principi fondamentali, dai … 15 Gennaio 2021 12:05 | Mirko Spadaro. How about a game where players threw a ball at a target? That same year, he left Colorado to become the assistant gymnasium director and basketball coach at the University of Kansas. It was too cold to play football and baseball, and too dangerous to play those sports in the gym. Ecco chi è James Naismith, l'uomo la cui invenzione ha rivoluzionato il mondo dello sport negli Stati Uniti e non solo. Using the equipment available at his disposal and drawing from his childhood experience in a game called ‘duck on a rock,’ Naismith fashioned a game with a peach basket and soccer ball in which the goal of the players was to, through teamwork and finesse, lob the ball into the basket. He received his early education from a private school and later attended McGill University in Montreal. Fans flocked to see this exciting new sport. Basketball History | Basketball Rules | NCAA Tournament Brackets | NBA #1 Picks. The teams each had nine players. Il doodle di Google oggi, 15 gennaio 2021, celebra James Naismith (1861-1939), insegnante di educazione fisica canadese. Basketball became an Olympic sport in 1936. ... Ma questa invenzione sarebbe passata in secondo piano poco dopo grazie al basket. Nel corso del prossimo decennio, ha lavorato per perfezionare il gioco e le sue regole e costruire la sua popolarità. Two peach baskets and a soccer ball were the equipment. His students, forced indoors because of winter, had become rowdy. Teams sprung up at high schools and colleges. Il prof. James Naismith e l’invenzione del basket: il gioco che diventò leggenda. Naismith remembered a rock-tossing game he played as a child. Upon graduation from McGill in 1888 (where he was awarded a gold medal for best all-around athlete), Naismith pursued a graduate in theology at the McGill-affiliated Presbyterian College. James Naismith (6 novembre 1861 - 28 novembre 1939) è stato un educatore fisico canadese-americano, medico, cappellano cristiano , allenatore sportivo e innovatore. As an orphaned youth living with his uncle and grandparents, he was an avid athlete, participating in various unorganized outdoor activities and, later at McGill University, in the organized sports of lacrosse, rugby, football, gymnastics, and soccer. James Naismith (6 novembre, 28 novembre 1861, 1939) è stato un allenatore sportivo canadese che, nel dicembre del 1891, ha preso un pallone da calcio e un cesto di pesche in palestra presso lo Springfield, Massachusetts YMCA e ha inventato la pallacanestro. For the first Olympic basketball game, Naismith tossed the ball for the tipoff. The school asked Naismith to invent a new indoor sport. ... Naismith riuscì a vedere la sua invenzione alle Olimpiadi del 1904 e poi come sport ufficiale ai Giochi di Berlino 1936. James Naismith, 10 curiosità sulla vita dell’inventore del basket. Google dedica il suo logo animato all’educatore considerato l’uomo che ha inventato il gioco del basket. A legend was born. Faced with keeping his young YMCA charges indoors during the harsh New England winters, Naismith was tasked by his boss with coming up with an \"athletic distraction\" to keep them exercised and occupied. Although he eventually became the only head coach in Kansas men’s basketball history to compile a losing record (ironic, isn’t it? Quel discorso impacciato venne interrotto dal sovrintendente Luther Gulick che, dando a Naismith una pacca sulla spalla, esclamò: «Ottimo, James. The game James Naismith invented as a winter “distraction” had turned into a global sport. Tanta fiducia riposta in un solo uomo appariva quasi un guanto gettato a … However, he was not cut out for that line of work (pun intended), and he soon returned to school to pursue an undergraduate degree in physical education. Dr. James Naismith was the Canadian-born physical education instructor who, inspired by a teaching assignment and his own childhood, invented basketball in 1891. ), Naismith’s legacy was already cemented. In 1894, Naismith married Maude Shermann, and in 1895 moved to Denver, Colorado, to become the Physical Education director at a YMCA there. Rules changes made the game more fun. Lo stesso anno in cui ha lasciato il Canada per Springfield, nel Massachusetts, ha inventato il gioco del basket.Ha scritto il libro delle regole del basket originale e ha fondato il programma di basket dell'Università del Kansas. National Skills Challenge presented by Under Armour, Brad Stevens Talks About Unlocking Players Potential. Soon professional leagues were formed. In 1891, while at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Mass., he joined its football team. Naismith threw the ball in the air for the first tipoff. Naismith was born in Almonte, Ontario and educated at McGill University and Presbyterian College in Montreal. A new ball was introduced, one that was easier to dribble and shoot. Naismith’s students went on to become teachers and coaches, spreading the game. He wrote the original basketball rule book and founded the University of Kansas basketball program. Somewhere in his time as a graduate student, he happened upon an organization that married his interests in theology and athletics: the YMCA. Naismith put the baskets at each end of the gym, nailed 10 feet above the floor. Dr. James Naismith, undisputedly credited as the inventor of the game of basketball, was born in Ontario, Canada on November 6, 1861. Naismith called his new game “basket ball” and wrote up 13 rules. His boss stipulated the game could not be too rough and must take place within the confines of a small gym. In that stint, Naismith, by then an ordained Presbyterian minister, served as a captain and chaplain or the Kansas First Infantry Regiment, which was stationed along the Mexican border for part of the war. After the championship game, he presented the medals to the players. Doodle Google oggi James Naismith: chi è. Il 15 gennaio del 1892 nasceva il basket. Forse, dopo un bicchiere di... troppo, avrà scambiato i grembiuli bianchi appesi in cucina per medici. James Naismith. 2. Though he typically shunned publicity, Naismith accepted an invitation to appear at the opening ceremony and to throw up the first jump ball, an honor he reluctantly accepted. James Naismith, Google l’ omaggia con un doodle, grande il suo contributo a basket e football americano. The game spread to every corner of the world. James Naismith (1861-1938) era un insegnante di educazione fisica e anche un cappellano militare. Chi è James Naismith, l’uomo che inventò il basket. At the time, the YMCA was offering physical training programs, and Naismith, sensing an opportunity, left Montreal after receiving his graduate degree to settle in Springfield, Massachusetts, where he put his degrees to use as the physical education teacher at the YMCA International Training School. Al medico fu chiesto di inventare un gioco nuovo per i ragazzi dello Springfield College: scrisse prima cinque principi fondamentali, dai quali ricavò poi 13 regole base. James Naismith è stato un docente, allenatore di pallacanestro e inventore canadese naturalizzato statunitense nel 1925. Occupati tu della classe, vedremo cosa sarai capace di fare». James Naismith (November 6, 1861 – November 28, 1939) was a Canadian physical educator, physician, Christian chaplain, sports coach, and inventor of the game of basketball. L’ideatore del gioco è il professor James Naismith, a cui è dedicato il bel doodle di oggi. Come ha inventato il basket. James Naismith The innovator of the Basketball game, James Naismith, a physical education teacher by profession, was born on November 6 th, 1861 in Almonte, Ontario. Dr. James Naismith, undisputedly credited as the inventor of the game of basketball, was born in Ontario, Canada on November 6, 1861. Naismith analyzed the most popular games at the time rugby, lacrosse, soccer, baseball and football in hopes of taki… They had a lot of energy, but no way to burn it off. James Naismith Tendenze italiane Twitter - Trend. Il suo intento era quello di diventare un ministro di culto presbiteriano. A James Naismith, insegnante e medico nato in Canada nel 1861 e naturalizzato statunitense, si deve l'invenzione nel 1891 della pallacanestro. A Naismith è inoltre attribuita l’invenzione del casco indossato dai giocatori di football americano. James Naismith nasceva infatti 160 anni fa ad Almonte, in Ontario. Un doodle per la nascita della pallacanestro Doodle per la nascita del basket. Continuando la navigazione del sito accetti il loro uso. In December 1891, college teacher James Naismith had a problem. James Naismith, insegnante e medico nato in Canada nel 1861 e naturalizzato statunitense, inventò nel 1891 la pallacanestro. Questo sito utilizza cookie. James Naismith nasceva infatti 160 anni fa ad Almonte, in Ontario. On December 21, 1891, the game of basketball was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. James Naismith, Google l’ omaggia con un doodle. He invented the game of basketball in 1891, and he is also credited with designing the first football helmet. While he gave up coaching in 1907, he remained the director of physical education at Kansas until 1937, with a three-year stint in the army during World War I. James Naismith si iscrisse alla McGill University di Montréal nel 1883: lasciò pertanto la comunità rurale di Almonte, e si trasferì stabilmente nella città canadese. L’uomo prese spunto da un gioco della sua infanzia, Duck-ona-rock (anatra su una roccia), in cui la regola principale era il tiro a parabola di un sasso. Il basket è un’invenzione di un insegnante e medico nato in Canada, James Naismith. A Naismith è inoltre attribuita l’invenzione del casco indossato dai giocatori di football americano. James Naismith and the Invention of Basketball In December 1891, college teacher James Naismith had a problem. Necessity may be the mother of invention. Nel 1890 ha iniziato il suo lavoro presso l’ International Training College di Springfield , dove ha ricevuto l’incarico di ideare un gioco di squadra che si … The team that tossed the most balls into the target would win. It was at the YMCA International Training School that Naismith, sensing unrest in his class of young adult males who had to repeatedly endure calisthenics and children’s games in the tough Massachusetts’ winter of 1891, set out to devise a new game. Negli anni universitari visse le prime esperienze sportive. But James Naismith was the father, twice. The peach basket was replaced with a net that allowed the ball to go through, speeding up play.

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