Among the top 13 scorers in the NBA that season, he was the only one not invited. New Jerseyn voittoon päättyneessä ottelussa Petrović teki 39 pistettä. [28][29], In an interview on the Scoop B Radio Podcast, Petrovic's Nets teammate, Chucky Brown marveled at Petrovic's healing ability. He also brought back the silver from the 1982 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship in Bulgaria. 14 Arapović | In the summer of 1993, after his best NBA season and the Nets' first-round elimination by the Cleveland Cavaliers, Petrović traveled to Berlin, where the Croatian national team was playing a qualification tournament for the 1993 EuroBasket. [3] His father, of Serb ethnicity, was born in Zagora, near Trebinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dražen Petrović. Netsin kannattajat arvostivat Petrovićin energisyyttä sekä intoa kentällä. Get the best deals on Drazen Petrovic Jersey when you shop the largest online selection at Drażen Petrovic zginął w wypadku. Joukkue selviytyi Cup-voittajien cupissa välieriin, jossa Real Madrid voitti Cibonan Petrovićin tehtyä pelin ratkaisseet vapaaheitot. And I kind of feel that way about Dražen. On 9 July 2001, having defeated Patrick Rafter to win the men's singles title at Wimbledon, Croatian tennis player Goran Ivanišević dedicated the win to Petrović;[37] Ivanišević wore Petrović's Nets jersey amidst the 100,000 strong crowd celebrating his victory in Split. Ottelu päättyi Cibonan 87–78-voittoon Petrovićin tehtyä 36 pistettä. [7], Kausi 1985–1986 oli hänen parhaan tilastollisesti. Nonostante la sua prematura dipartita, Petrovic è riuscito comunque a lasciare un’impronta enorme nella storia dello … [15] Koska hänellä oli sopimus Real Madridin kanssa, joutui hän maksamaan itsensä ulos sopimuksesta. [12] Koska Petrović oli voittanut Euroopassa kaikki merkittävät mestaruudet, halusi hän hakea uutta vastusta NBA:sta. [27] Kisojen päätteeksi Jugoslavia voitti MM-pronssia. [38], The 2010 documentary, Once Brothers (part of the ESPN 30 for 30 series), portrays the achievements of the Yugoslavia national basketball team in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and how the Yugoslav Wars tore the team apart. I have to leave to prove how much I am worth. Pregledajte najnovije objavljene vijesti odmah! Sivua on viimeksi muutettu 18. marraskuuta 2020 kello 14.38. 12 Radovanović | Objavljeno u Nacionalu br. He earned four Euroscars, and was named Mr. Europa twice. The University Games, held in Zagreb in 1987, saw the Yugoslavian squad with Petrović win the gold. [43], The official opening of the museum was held on 7 June 2006, while the official opening of the center to the public began at the end of December 2006. It's hard for you to imagine here in America, because you have so many great players, but we are a country of four million; without him, basketball takes three steps back. Valmentajat ihailivat hänen haluaan tulla paremmaksi sekä harjoittelua kauden ulkopuolella. [10][11][12], At the age of 13, Petrović started playing in the youth selections of the local club Šibenka; at the age of 15 he had already made the first team, just as Šibenka earned a place in the Yugoslav national first division. His contributions to the sport of basketball were enormous. 12 Gregov | [1], Petrović kuoli 7. kesäkuuta 1993 lähellä Ingolstadtia. Drazen Petrovic Hırvat basketbolunun gelmiş geçmiş en iyi oyuncusu olarak gösterilmektedir. Petrovićia pidettiin yleisesti sarjan parhaana heittäjänä; varsinkin kolmen pisteen heitoissa. The one who uttered it, before a group of journalists at a game in Belgrade, was Zoran "Moka" Slavnic, who by then was a player-coach at Sibenka. In 2011, a statue of him as a little boy sitting on a bench with a ball was unveiled in Šibenik, and his old room was renovated the way it looked when he was young, as a first part of opening a Memorial Center in his hometown. [26] Petrović decided to skip the connection flight back to Zagreb and drive with his girlfriend back to Croatia. Aikaisemmin vastakkaiseen suuntaan matkalla ollut rekka oli suistunut toiselle ajotielle, koska se oli väistänyt rankkasateen jälkeen luisunutta autoa. Sarjan loppuottelussa Real Madrid voitti Juventus Casertan. [16] Kroatia hävisi ottelun luvuin 117–85 ja Petrović teki 24 pistettä. [2] He received the Olympic Order in 1993. Bir kadın, Drazen Petrovic’in telefon numarasını istiyordu. Bio je uvršten među 50 osoba koji su najviše pridonijeli Euroligi. A je to tu. 8 Paspalj | The 1984 Summer Olympics were Petrović's first competition of a grand scale with the Yugoslav senior national team, and the bronze medal won in Los Angeles that summer became his first Olympic medal. Never in my life did I sit on the bench and I don’t intend to do that in Portland. Heti ensimmäisessä ottelussa hän teki 25 pistettä Neuvostoliittoa vastaan, mikä oli myös hänen suurin pistemääränsä kisoissa. 10. The same year brought another Yugoslav national cup title for Cibona, as Petrović scored 46 points in the Yugoslav Cup Final against old rival Bosna. Ollessaan 15-vuotias Petrović nostettiin Šibenikin edustusjoukkueeseen. 1993 yılında, kasvetli bir New York gününde New Jersey Nets kulübünün Willis Reed ofisinin sekreterlik telefonu çalar. Tällöin maa voitti loppuottelussa Neuvostoliiton. Drazen Petrovic, Self: The 1990 NBA Finals. In his rookie year during the 1989–90 NBA season, he averaged 7.4 points in 12 minutes per game. I know that a lasting part of his athletic legacy will be that he paved the way for other international players to compete successfully in the NBA. To Europejczycy: Słoweniec Luka Doncic oraz Serb Nikola Jokic. Consequently, the reigning La Gazzetta dello Sport Euroscar European Player of the Year saw limited playing time. Hän edusti seuraa vuoteen 1983 ja vuonna 1984 hän siirtyi KK Cibonaan, jossa hän voitti muun muassa kaksi Euroopan-mestaruutta. [17][18], Petrović needed new challenges that Cibona and the Yugoslavian League could not offer. [12] Hän voitti myös uransa kolmannen Jugoslavian cupin, kun joukkue voitti Jugoplastikan. Kroatian posti on tehnyt postimerkin, jossa on hänen kuvansa. Drazen Petrovic. The 87–78 victory in the 1985 Final of the FIBA European Champions Cup (EuroLeague) over the Spanish League club Real Madrid, to which Petrović contributed 36 points, brought him and Cibona their first top-tier level European Champions Cup title. Hän kuoli vuonna 1993 auto-onnettomuudessa Saksassa. Petrovic joined the Nets in 1991 in exchange for a 1992 first-round pick. [31], The 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, marked the first summer Olympics featuring the independent Croatia, and Petrović was the leader of the Croatian national basketball team at the Olympic basketball tournament. Petrović aloitti kotipallon KK Šibenikin juniorijoukkueissa, joista hän nousi edustusjoukkueeseen vuonna 1979. Content. [20], The 1988–89 season saw Petrović wear the colors of the Spanish ACB League basketball club Real Madrid. [8], Cibonassa joukkueen takakentällä pelasivat Petrovićin veljekset. Each and every day in practice he would be the first guy to come and the last guy to leave the gym. Petrovic rehabbed so hard that he ended up only missing two weeks.[30]. Valmentaja Novosel, 4 Petrović | Vuonna 1986 Petrović varattiin NBA:han, mutta hän jatkoi uraansa Euroopassa vielä kolme kautta, joista viimeisen hän pelasi Real Madridissa. Petrović's national team debut came at the age of 15, at the Under-18 Balkan Championship in Turkey, where the Yugoslavian junior team won the bronze. Kauden päätteeksi hän siirtyi Portland Trail Blazersiin. [3][36], Petrović's tomb .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}45°50′22″N 15°59′00″E / 45.83947°N 15.98328°E / 45.83947; 15.98328 at Mirogoj Cemetery instantly became a sanctuary for his compatriots. Miłością do koszykówki zaraził go jego o pięć lat starszy brat Aleksandar, również uprawiający ten sport.. Kariera. Dražen Petrović (22. oktobar, 1964 – 7. jun, 1993) je bio jugoslovenski i hrvatski košarkaš srpskog porekla, jedan od najboljih evropskih košarkaša svih vremena. [19] Kun kautta oli pelattu 38 ottelua, oli Petrović jäänyt ilman peliaikaa kahdessakymmenessä ottelussa. 13 Nakić | [32] As the game progressed, however, the now-legendary team composed of NBA stars proved too tough for Croatia: the Americans won 117–85, sending Petrović, the game's leading scorer with 24 points, and his teammates, home with silver medals. Jego ojciec, Jole, był policjantem, a matka Biserka pracowała jako bibliotekarka. 963, 2016-10-16 Nacional prvi donosi ulomak iz knjige australskog novinara Todda Spehra ‘Dražen – život i ostavština košarkaškog Mozarta’ koja u hrvatske knjižare dolazi 17. listopada, a govori o neponovljivom sportskom duhu i viziji … After 1994, the MVP award at the McDonald's Championship bore the name Dražen Petrović Trophy, and the Croatian Olympic Committee's award for young athletes was named for him in 2006. Drazen Petrovic, the nocturnal North-western quadrant, consisting of the 4th, 5th and 6th houses, prevails in your chart: this sector favours creativity, conception and some sort of specialization or training, with helpfulness and relations as strong components. This week I spoke to Biserka Petrovic, the mother of the late basketball genius Drazen Petrovic, who was born on October 22, 1964 in Sibenik, Croatia and died on [32] Petrovićin kunniaksi hänelle avattiin Zagrebissa oma museo. I felt that the whole year that I was with him went by too fast and I really never got to know him the way I would have liked to. The Portland Trail Blazers of the NBA had already used their third-round pick on young Petrović in 1986, but he decided to postpone his departure to the United States. 7 Haziran 1993 günü hayata gözlerini yuman Petrovic'in cenazesine binlerce hayranı ve dostları katıldı. [11] Näistä otteluista joukkue hävisi vain neljä. Hänen johdollaan maa selviytyi kisojen pronssiotteluun, jossa maa voitti Kanadan. He told American reporters that the lack of recognition in the league made him also consider leaving the NBA completely and playing club basketball in Greece. Smatra se važnim delom prethodnice koja je dovela do velikog uticaja evropskih košarkaša u NBA. 10 Tabak | We talked about his family a lot in his restaurant, and he enjoyed his friends and he enjoyed the game of basketball. 14 Rađa | [5] Myös seuraavalla kaudella Šibenik selviytyi sarjan loppuotteluun, jossa vastassa oli jälleen Limoges. [citation needed]. [4] Kauden päätteeksi Cibona voitti toisen Euroopan mestaruuden perättäin, sillä se voitti loppuottelussa Žalgirisin. I was one of those people who welcomed him to Portland when he came from Europe. On December 6, he was named MVP of the Week. Drazen Petrovic’s future was still undetermined when he traveled to Poland in June 1993 to participate in a EuroBasket qualifying tournament with his Croatian national team. Adelman ei koskaan valittanut Petrovićin pelistä, muttei koskaan kertonut, miksei antanut hänelle enemmän peliaikaa. 9 Arapović | [33] Vuonna 2011 Šibenikissä paljastettiin Petrovićin pronssinen muistopatsas. A star on multiple stages, Petrović earned two silver medals and one bronze in Olympic basketball, a gold and a bronze in the FIBA World Cup, a gold and a bronze in the FIBA EuroBasket, and two EuroLeague titles. La tediosa y aburrida autopista de Frankfurt se había convertido en una lucha entre la lluvia y los vehículos, que soportaban estoicamente la tromba de agua. Na današnji dan poginuo je u strahovitoj automobilskoj nesreći 28-godišnji Dražen Petrović, jedan od najvećih hrvatskih sportaša svih vremena.Nesreća se dogodila oko 17 sati i 20 minuta na kišnoj autocesti A 9, kod gradića Denkendorfa, dvadesetak kilometara sjeverno od bavarskog grada Ingolstadta. 9 Obradović | Drazen Petrovic se subió en el asiento del copiloto y olvidó el cansancio del vuelo para mostrar una sonrisa. Born: October 22, 1964 in Šibenik, Croatia, Yugoslavia Died: June 7, 1993 (28 years old) College: None Total Cards: 403 (2002) Tweet Dražen Petrović (Petro, Mozart of the Hoops) Position: Shooting Guard Shoots: Right 6-5, 195lb (196cm, 88kg) . 7 Kukoč | [16] The 51 points scored was his personal career-high scored in a single EuroLeague game. 7 Kukoč | [20] Petrovićin peliaikaa kohden tehty pistelukema oli kuitenkin sarjan parhaimpia. contiene immagini o altri file su ; Collegamenti esterni. More importantly, his success translated into success for the team. Telefonun karşı tarafında İngilizceyi oldukça aksanlı konuşan bir bayan, Drazen Petrovic’e ulaşıp onunla tanışmak istediğini anlatır. Petrović also led the club to victory in the 2nd-tier level FIBA European Cup Winners' Cup final against the Italian League club Snaidero Caserta, by tying his previous best scoring performance in European-wide competitions (62 points). Espanjassa Petrović johdatti joukkueensa ACB:n loppuotteluihin. On 29 April 1995, a statue commemorating Petrović's significance to the world of sports was erected in front of the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland, thus making him only the second athlete to receive this honor. U SPOMEN DRAŽENU PETROVIĆU HTV EMISIJA 08-06-1993 DAN KADA JE OTIŠAO DRAŽEN Samo sam jednom vidio oca kako plaće. [16] Lopulta tammikuussa 1991 Petrović siirtyi New Jersey Netsiin kolmen seuran välisessä vaihdossa. Dražen Petrović - OVO NISTE ZNALI! 15 Savić | Dalo se čekat, že si na rozloučenou připraví něco velkého. "I have nothing to say to Adelman any more and vice versa. 13 Komazec | 10 Hadžić | There were at least two Greek clubs ready to offer Petrović three-year contracts worth US $7.5 million net. 12 Divac | [7] Kesällä 1986 Petrović osallistui NBA:n varaustilaisuuteen, jossa hän oli Portland Trail Blazersin 60. 6 Čutura | [19] His first season in the ACB was also his last, but he still holds ACB single performance bests in a finals series game, in points made (42) and three-pointers made (8).[15]. Drazen Petrovic, 20 años sin el gran mito balcánico "El genio de Drazen seguirá siempre vivo". 他和莫札特一樣有天賜的才能,他的出手快速,猶如土耳其進行曲的飛快琴音,他的進攻技巧美妙,猶如四手連彈的魔笛一般目炫神迷,他的場上拚勁憾動全場,就像莫札特第四十號交響曲一樣激勵人心。 Poeta koszykówki. Drazen emniyet kemerini bağlamamıştı ve camdan dışarı uçarak trajik bir şekilde can verdi. Koska hänen veljensä oli siirtynyt Cibonaan, oli Petrović päättänyt jo hyvissä ajoin siirtyä joukkueeseen. 10 Zdovc | The following season saw Petrović increase his scoring average to 22.3 ppg, 11th best in the league. While starting for the Nets, he became one of the league's best shooting guards. Dražen Petrović (Croatian pronunciation: [drǎʒen pětroʋitɕ]; 22 October 1964 – 7 June 1993) was a Croatian professional basketball player. Taking the ball out of his hands and making him a static shooter was foreign to him. - Mieliśmy wielu znakomitych strzelców w tej lidze, ale Drażen Petrović był zimnokrwistym zabójcą - twierdził nieżyjący już Chuck Daly, legendarny trener Biserka Petrović: Toliko me Novak podsjeća na Dražena da bih ga najradije odvela doma DANAS je u Zadru održana konferencija za medije prije svečanog otvaranja drugog ovoljetnog Adria Toura. The same season he had 47 points and 25 assists in a game against the reigning Italian League champions Simac Milano. 5 Perasović | 6 Čutura | Ensimmäisellä kaudella hän pelasi 77 ottelua, joissa hän teki 7,6 pistettä ottelua kohden. 5 Perasović | His field goal percentage of 52% was again near the top for all guards. She only recently recognized it was the same car crash that killed Drazen Petrovic. In 2014, José Antonio Arízaga, the sports agent who played a key role in Petrović's summer 1988 transfer from Cibona to Real, recalled a few details from this transaction: "I spoke to Mirko Novosel, Dražen's coach at Cibona, and he told me two things. Petrović harjoitteli nuorena poikana veljensä Aleksandarin kanssa koripalloa. His lack of playing time during his second season in the league brought Petrović's frustration to a climax: On the rain-drenched Autobahn 9, he was a passenger in a car that was cut off by a semi-truck at Denkendorf near Ingolstadt in the German state of Bavaria. Spanish ACB League: most 3-point field goals made by an individual, in a final series game (8). Rekan kuljettaja oli yrittänyt varoittaa vastaantulevia autoja, mutta siitä huolimatta Petrovićin auto törmäsi rekkaan. NBA: third best career 3-point field goal percentage (.437). Hrvatska košarkaška legenda. The Petrović brothers are second cousins to the Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodiroga. The organization and operations of the center have been provided by the Dražen Petrović Foundation, which is led by Petrović's family. They brought him onto the team primarily as an outside threat to shoot three-pointers. [12] Kotimaassa Cibona voitti runkosarjan, muttei päässyt lopulta edes loppuotteluihin. Drazen Petrovic camino a la NBA. Tämä ei kuitenkaan riittänyt voittoon, sillä Neuvostoliitto voitti olympiakultaa luvuin 76–63. [16] Nets voitti kaudella 26 ottelua ja hävisi 56, eikä täten päässyt pudotuspeleihin. So, you can imagine all the individuals I had to bribe and all the places where I had to pay up in order to circumvent this law". [26], Petrovićin vanhemmat ovat Biserka ja Jole Petrović, ja hänellä on myös veli Aleksandar. Petrović is considered the crucial part of the vanguard to the present-day mass influx of European players into the NBA. Valmentaja Ivković, 4 Petrović | (EN) Dražen Petrović, su, Sports Reference LLC. Sekreter bu bilgiyi vermelerinin mümkün olmadığını; eğer numarasını verirse Petrovic’e ileteceklerini söylemişti. NBA: fourth highest field goal percentage among guards (.508) in 1991–92. Tämän takia rekka sulki vastakkaiseen suuntaan liikkuneen liikenteen. Dražen Petrović (Šibenik, 22 oktober 1964 – Denkendorf, 7 juni 1993) was een Kroatische basketbalspeler, die ook doorbrak in de Amerikaanse NBA-competitie en zo de weg bereidde voor vele Europese spelers na hem.Hij won met het nationale team ook drie Olympische medailles (eenmaal brons en tweemaal zilver) en één wereldkampioenschap. ", "Dražen Petrović vino a España a base de sobornar y corromper", Best Trades in History: Atlantic Division, Details Emerge, but Petrovic's Death Still Baffles, 1993 All-Star Game Boxscore: West 135, East 132 (OT), "Former NBA player recalls Nets' Drazen Petrovic spraining knee & missing a few games rather than a few months", "Revisiting USA-Croatia 1992 (or, Why YouTube is God, part 1 of many)", "Forever Shattered - Crash that killed Drazen Petrovic 18 years ago crushed the dreams of one broken passenger",,, "Details Emerge, but Petrovic's Death Still Baffles", Drazen Petrovic at the Basketball Hall of Fame,žen_Petrović&oldid=998671763, Basketball players at the 1984 Summer Olympics, Basketball players at the 1988 Summer Olympics, Basketball players at the 1992 Summer Olympics, Croatian expatriate basketball people in Spain, Croatian expatriate basketball people in the United States, Croatian people of Bosnia and Herzegovina descent, Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame inductees, National Basketball Association players from Croatia, National Basketball Association players with retired numbers, Universiade gold medalists for Yugoslavia, Universiade silver medalists for Yugoslavia, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015, Articles with Croatian-language sources (hr), Articles that may contain original research from August 2015, All articles that may contain original research, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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